We're happy to announce that we have redesigned our label!
A little backstory...
From launch, we've had amazing feedback on our previous label and we loved it the way it looked. As we progressed, we wanted to adapt our label to even more-so reflect the warm, tropic essence of Africa and to also highlight more the ingredients to people that have never heard or tasted a Chapman before!
We felt like at first glance, our previous label did not showcase the fruits that make up our Chapman as clearly as it could have
We also felt like the "CHAPMAN" should be far more eye-catching than it was in our previous label, as it was only the neck label.
We started the design process in August, and through many different design sessions, we mocked up different adaptations, building on our previous label. We wanted to keep the beach and sunset themes consistent as to us, this encompasses Africa.
We're proud to present you all our new label below:
Our drinks with the new labels can be purchased at our stockists locations. Our previous label bottles will still be sold via our website until March 2023 and then our new label moving forward.